Thursday, April 28, 2011

Village Rescue, Published in

So the project got an other publishing.
please have a look at the link below and leave your feedback and comments.

Click here for the Article


  1. Hey Vivek! I love that you're so intrigued by bandra's east indian villages. I've always felt like they never received enough attention so thanks for helping to increase awareness! Also, I love the water color painting of ranvar village. Do you have extras you might be willing to part with?

  2. Hi Rohini, Sorry for the late response.
    The file on the blog is a good resolution for a print you can just take it from there and print it. I would have extra hard copies but if you wish i can send across a soft copy on your mail id.
    Please pass it on to me.

  3. sure, i'd love a soft copy!! but i dont wan t to post my email address for all to see. lol. but i guess you can just delete this comment afterwards. you dont give tours of these villages by any chance do you?
